So many fantastically talented singers never get anywhere with their careers because they don’t know how.
Are you a professional singer/musician? Do you have your own show? Have you ever booked your show and not been able to attract an audience? Have you played to empty houses?
This is such a familiar story!
So many artists think “I’ll build a great show…they will surely come! Unfortunately, that usually isn’t how it works.

Get Butts in Seats and Play to a full house everytime

No Matter What You Try...
You can't escape from the fact that your audience is the key to your success. Your audience is critical to whether or not you make money on your performances.
Your audience is everything!
Getting a job with a band, or in a musical theater production, or with an opera company or some other type of production organization seems like a secure working situation, but it's important to realize that these types of work situations can end at any moment. What happens then? You find yourself on the perpetual treadmill of the audition cycle, hoping to be hired. You're starting all over again looking for the next job! You have absolutely no security in the longevity of your future.
Get Butts in Seats teaches you how to build your own business! No more waiting for others to validate you. No more waiting for others to give you permission. No more waiting for others to give you a job! Be the "Master of Your Own Fate!" Control your future! Learn how to build your show, book your show and fill your venues every time!

What if you could...
Fill your venue every time?
Build your brand to attract people that you don’t know?
Earn a steady income from your performances?
Frequently Asked Questions
We look forward to sharing our Proven Formula for increasing your income. Here are answers to some frequently asked questions.
You will have access to the course for 12 months from the time of purchase.
This course is right for you if you are a singer looking to increase your income and provide a secure future for yourself and your family.
We are confident that you will find the answers that you’re seeking to increase your income and improve your lifestyle, but just in case, contact me personally at [email protected]
Support is available at [email protected].
There are no additional materials to purchase. Everything that you’ll need is included in the course.

About You
This course is for you if you want to monetize your skills and live the life you’ve always dreamed of as a singer.
You want more from your career
This course is for you if you want to tour your shows nationally and internationally. Play to full houses, no matter where you’re appearing. Build a large following! It’s time to earn the money that you deserve and provide financial security for yourself and your family.
You want to build your brand
You’re ready to learn how to network, build your brand, market your brand, develop a social media strategy, have more control over your business, have more control over your time, tour your show, fill venues and make more money.
You're willing to put in the work
Get Butts in Seats will transform your music business if you do your part and put in the work. Build a business that will dramatically improve your lifestyle. Get Butts in Seats will teach you how to fill your venues each and every time. Earn the money that you deserve! It’s all up to you!